
Sunday School: 9:30 AM
Worship : 10:45 AM.


May 26 On Memorial Day weekend we will take time during the worship service and honor those who lost their life fighting for and defending our country.  We share this is not Veteran's Day, but a time when we remember the fallen who were serving our nation. 

We remember our past from which we learn and but as Christians we are to remain focused and move forward.  The Old Testament scripture is about how the Israelites were fearful of the Philistine giant Goliath and then David, the shepherd boy comes and make the point that the battle belongs to the Lord. He demonstrates how to move forward to face the enemy. 
I Samuel 17:4-51, Luke 9:62
Message:  Advancing Forward

May 29 – At 7 PM at the Edwardsville United Methodist Church a South District meeting will be held to cover what was approved at General Conference and how these decision impact not only our Conference, but also the district and local churches. 

June 2 – On the first Sunday of each month we receive Holy Communion and receive a free will Missions offering to help address the needs of those in our community who may have different types of needs.
The late Jimmy Buffet shared a song which relates to the title of the sermon.  He had a point about how people change their mindset once they go on vacation and this is particularly true of those who travel to the Caribbean nations.  In the passage Jesus shared about those whose life is controlled by continually worrying.  They need a change in attitude. 
Luke 12:22-31
Message:  Changes in Latitudes, in Attitudes


June 9 –Pastor Lary will be retiring on Sunday, June 9, but he will share his retirement message on this Sunday.  He will share some of the adventures and experiences he has discovered in 37+ years as a minister. 
The scripture is taken from Paul sharing his farewell to Christians as he knew he was going to Jerusalem and didn't know what his fate would be.  It is a heartwarming experience as he shares what he has done and didn't do as well as sharing is final good-bye with the people Christian that he held dear to him.  
Acts 20:22-28, 32-38 
Message:  Once In A Blue Moon

Bi-Monthly Church Fellowship Meal  - Following our worship service around 12 Noon - there will be a fellowship meal held in the Social Hall of the church.  Come of join us and enjoy some of the best cooking from the cooks in our congregation.  You won't go away hungry. 


Saturday, June 15 –CHURCH FISH FRY  At 4 PM we will have a fish fry in the shelter house in the church parking lot.  Jim and Ruby Adamson love to fish and they will be cooking out everyone who gathers on this day.  Instead of being fishers of men, on this day you can be fishers of fish!


June 16Father's Day –During our worship service we will pause and honor all our Father's in the church and remember those who have passed and had an influence on each of our lives. 
The message is the Lord's Prayer.  However, there is a major deception as the Protestants have added a closing "For thine is the Kingdom and the power and the glory forever.  Amen."  For people who say they are Biblically based many of them do not realize this is not part of the prayer. 
On this day we will look at the very beginning of the prayer and the first two words which Jesus taught his followers – Our Father.  Not my father, but our father.  
 Matthew 6:5-15 
Message:  Our Father

Sunday, June 23 through Sunday, August 4 - CHRISTMAS IN JULY
COMMUINITY FOODBANK COLLECTION  -   Many people do not realize the greatest need for most foodbanks occurs in July.  We have made it a point to collect food for the community foodbank in late June through the first August.  We will take one to three trips to the foodbank and drop of the food as we collect it at the back of the Sanctuary on Sunday mornings before the worship service begins.  Over the years New Salisbury collection of food have help supply many a need to those in our community.  

June 23–  Tyler Staton has written a provocative book entitled, PRAYING LIKE MONKS, LIVING LIKE FOOLS.  He reveals the great enemy of the spiritual life and in most of peoples lives is HURRY.  We are programmed to try and get more things done and the very inventions which are suppose to make life more convenient causes us to hurry up and try to cram more things into our lives.  Have you ever been with a group of people and notice how many are now glued to their phone but fail to personally dialogue with the people they are sitting with? 
Jesus told the parable of the Sower.  In fact, it is one of the few stories which is contained in all four Gospels.  He shares about where the seed falls will impact what kind of fruit if produces.  This is a wake-up call because every one of us is represented by one the four surfaces in which the seed falls.   What are we producing?
Luke 8:4-15
Message:  The Soundtrack of Hurry in Humans June 30 –   This will be the final Sunday in which the Cropper's will be serving at the New Salisbury United Methodist Church.  Lary will officially retire as a serving United Methodist Minister on Monday, July 1 as the new conference year begins.   As of the typing of this article in mid-May not replacement pastor has been announced.  Once this is received, we will share it on the website. 
The late message will focus on what ultimately matters in the Christian faith.  Lary has a card which he has had for 39 years which states, If we meet and you forget me, you have lost nothing.  If you meet Jesus and forget him, you have lost everything!'  Keep your focus on Jesus Christ – regardless of who the minister of the church may be. 
One of the final acts will be to take of Holy Communion which focuses on what Jesus has done, is doing and has yet to do.    
Exodus 3:14, Psalm 46:10, Matthew 22:37-40, Matthew 28:19-20, Luke 18:9-14,       Hebrews 13:8 
Message:   Keep It Simple